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The simple message of Islam

The simple message of Islam

by Zahid bin Ghulam

This life we are told is indeed a test

so every nation with prophets was blessed

124 thousand we learn from Hadith

prophets came with the message of peace

They had the same message, Allah is one

he has no partners and has no son

Do good deeds and worship your Lord,

help the needy with what you can afford

David, Jesus, Abraham, Moses and more

are some of the prophets that came before

They were only men we mustn't confuse

selected by Allah to bring the good news

After these Prophets had passed away

people got mixed up and went astray

They changed the message to suit their needs

worshipped idols and start bad deeds

Another Prophet Allah would send

and their way of life he would amend

This pattern repeated again and again

until Muhammed the final messenger came

A madman, a poet, a magician or what

all of the above he was not

His honesty and character they had all seen

this pure noble soul they called Al-Amin

Muhammed the truthful, was indeed sincere

Allah's final messenger to many it was clear

He had been appointed to guide mankind

to illuminate ignorant hearts so blind

The message was beautiful and so pure

to the hearts of mankind the wisdom did lure

It filled their lives with love and compassion

Muhammed words? No it can only be revelation

The prophet himself could not read or write

yet Allah gave him this illuminating light

It entered their hearts purifying their souls

and the faithful scribes wrote it on scrolls

In Ramadan the whole Quran was recited and said

even today by millions of Muslims it is read

Every word was recorded like the prophet was told

the exact same message fourteen hundred years old

The Quran is now for all mankind a guide,

it can never be changed and will forever abide,

Its a promise of Allah - an undisputed fact

the message sent to Muhammed will remain intact

No more idols or lords we should erect

the oneness of Allah we should respect

Part of the first pillar known as Tawheed

recited la-illah ha illallah the Muslim creed

We should pray Salah like the prophet taught

and ask for Allah's help like the Prophet sought

To taqwah and unity this will indeed give rise

the second pillar of Islam, the spiritual exercise

We must fast in the whole month of Ramadan

and do good deeds as many as we can

This gift of life we begin to appreciate

by not drinking or eating not even a date

Ramadan is a month Muslims eagerly await

peace, unity and happiness it does create

removing the blinkers a fresh outlook we see

this wonderful month, pillar number three

Some of our wealth we give to those in need

the homeless and hungry we must try and feed

The poor are helped much by this gift so small

this is called Zakat the fourth pillar so tall

To visit the Kabaah, the house of Allah

every Muslim must travel from near and far

Once in a lifetime this great journey we make

the final pillar, a tough task we undertake

The rich, the poor, the black and the white

the male, the female equal in Allah's sight

From all walks of life to hajj they all came

standing before Allah they are all the same

To always be good and honest we must try

we need to remember one day we will die

Only a very small time we can spend here

then we must leave this world so dear

We will be asked about the life we spent

if we did good to heaven we will be sent

this will be decided on the Judgment day

and in heaven or hell we will forever stay

No more guides or prophets will be sent again

instead we have the Quran so deep yet plain

If we get confused to the Quran we turn

a message from the most high from which to learn

For all mankind and forever more

wisdom and teachings it does store

To eternal life it opens the door

the words of our creator that we cant ignore

There are millions of Muslims in the world today

the fastest growing religion experts say

Together to the one true God Muslims Pray

by following the Quran, its only Allah we Obey


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